Event report

Mazars Presents on Decarbonization at the just concluded WACEE'23

This dialogue was held as part of the West African Clean Energy and Environment Trade fair and Conference 2023 (WACEE’23)...

Decarbonization has become a global imperative in the fight against climate change, and Ghana recognizes the need to transition to a low-carbon economy as shown by the commitment to the Paris Agreement by the development its Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce greenhouse emissions.

To facilitate this transition effectively, it is essential to engage key stakeholders from the private sector, particularly industries with significant carbon emissions, such as the cement, aviation, and mining industries. Additionally, the financial sector plays a crucial role in providing the necessary funding and support for decarbonization efforts.

Sustainability experts from Mazars, Adewole Lawal and Modupeoluwa Williams, gave a presentation on the imperative for businesses to make the transition to Net-Zero. Their session illuminated the path to future-proofing, cost savings, wealth creation, meeting stakeholder expectations, and adeptly managing climate risks.

This dialogue aimed to bring together policymakers, industry representatives, technology experts, and financiers to explore collaborative solutions for decarbonization in Ghana and Africa at large.


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