Publications • Members
CMR Group Obtains the Status of Authorized Economic Operator
The status of Authorized Economic Operator
CMR Group has obtained the status of Authorized Economic Operator. Obtaining the AEO status means, at the end of a customs-business project, obtaining a European customs trust label, recognized on the international scene. It also means benefiting from facilities in terms of customs procedures or customs controls related to safety and security.
This label is granted to the most reliable operators, in addition to facilitating trade and better securing the flow of goods, it confers a significant commercial and competitive advantage.
After several months of work, steps to follow and following an audit, CMR Group obtained the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). This label allows for personalized treatment and optimization of customs procedures, thus making flows more fluid, in particular by reducing supply times.
Customs thus becomes a partner of the company, which facilitates trade with countries recognizing AEO status such as the United States, China and Japan.