The Chamber

CCIFG Carte privileges Subscription Opportunity

How to better start the week? Through CCI France Ghana network, you can get discounts prices on services worldwide during your business or personal trips… How? As announced, 2018 will be the year of introduction of the CCIFG Carte privileges.

As part of the amazing benefits that come with CCIFG membership, members are entitled to receiving this card (number of cards depending on your membership package) that gives incredible discounts to shops, restaurants and other shops in France, in Ghana but also worldwide. With our CCI France international’s extensive network, the partners of the chamber are many thus discounts can be used on airlines, hotels and so on.

You can already check the worldwide privileges you will be able to benefit from starting January 2018.


To enable us kick off the privilege card program in Ghana, we are extending an invitation to retailers, restaurants, hotels and other Business to consumer service providers who wish to sign in to this program and have their services included and showcased through this customer-oriented package.


The privilege card program will therefore promote and make your services available to our extensive worldwide network (34.000 members in 90 countries) thus creating more business opportunities from CCIFG members but also from members of other French Chambers of commerce abroad.

If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.


To know more on CCIFG membership and in order to benefit from receiving the privelege card kindly click here.

Let’s enjoy the strength of CCI France International network in 2018!


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