🏆 CCI France International Awards 2023
Send Your Applications!
Each year, more than 30 French CCIs abroad (CCI FI) award prizes and trophies to nearly 150 companies around the world. These trophies highlight the performance of French companies internationally. To promote these French successes internationally, CCI France International is organizing the CCI France International trophies on Monday June 26, 2023 , from 7:00 p.m.
The award ceremony takes place the day before the annual General Assembly of CCI France International which brings together representatives from 70 countries and all the partners of the network each year.
Nearly 500 participants are expected!
Our objective? Reward “ companies that succeed internationally”!
Companies' application files are submitted by the FI CCIs, the French CCIs or Business France directly to CCI France International.
The jury then deliberates to designate 3 finalists and one winner per category!
As a reminder, companies are rewarded in 6 categories of Trophies:
- Startup
- French Entrepreneur Abroad
- Export performance
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Foreign establishment in France
- Special Jury Trophy
In 2023, CCIF will award a 7th Trophy to a CCI FI to reward its action in the field of CSR - ESG!
Send your candidates' files now before February 15th to cchebani(@)ccifrance-international.org with armelle.sae-jeanne(@)ccifranceghana.com in copy.