Communication - Press • Publications • Members Energies renouvelables - Développement durable - Environnement
AGI Establishes New Renewable/Solar Energy Working Group
The executives comprise of the Chairman, Mr. Herbert Friese, General Manager of Dutch & Co.
The Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) in close cooperation with the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar) has established the AGI Working Group of Renewable Energy/Solar Energy Companies to promote the use of renewable energy technologies and in particular solar energy within Ghana’s cocoa value chain.
This initiative forms part of the PartnerAfrica Project Ghana “Solar Ghana Cocoa”, through the special initiative on training and job creation funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by sequa gGmbH. The overall objective of the project is to improve the conditions for increased private investments in renewable energy. Solar energy, in particular, is a cheaper and cleaner source of electricity, which will reduce the cost of doing business in Ghana, and thereby enhance the competitiveness of Ghana's industry and agriculture sectors. Ultimately, this will expand jobs, strengthen industrial and economic growth in Ghana.
The importance of solar energy to industry and agriculture, particularly the cocoa sector, cannot be overemphasized. Ghana is worldwide the 2nd largest cocoa exporter and AGI believes the establishment of this project could not have come at a better time.
It holds the potential to increase cocoa yields significantly through solar powered irrigation systems, save energy cost as well as reduce carbon emissions. Consistent with the SDGs Goal 7, AGI seeks to promote the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency as more businesses begin to realize the value of renewable energy. We reaffirm the importance of renewable energy, towards a cleaner energy future and energy security with a view to fostering sustainable economic development.
In line with the above, the AGI Working Group of Renewable Energy/Solar Energy companies within AGI was formed to promote the use of renewable/solar technologies, among others, in the agriculture and food processing (cocoa) sectors in Ghana. The Working Group is led by a 3-member executive committee who were elected by the members of the working group to steer the affairs of the group for the next two years. The executives comprise of the Chairman, Mr. Herbert Friese, General Manager of Dutch & Co, Vice Chair, Ms. Olaedo Osoka, CEO of Daystar Power, and Secretary, Mr. Abdul Raaj, CEO of Suka Energy.
The AGI-Working Group of Renewable Energy/Solar Energy Companies wishes to invite all farmers, cooperatives and SMEs within the cocoa sector to take advantage of this project to address their energy needs in a sustainable manner. All renewable, solar and related companies in Ghana are most welcome to join the Working Group.
The PartnerAfrica Project Ghana “Solar Ghana Cocoa” is located within the AGI secretariat, 42 Dr-Isert-Street, North Ridge, Accra.