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TechnipFMC Hosts the Deputy Minister of Energy and the 2022 OTC Delegation at their Facility in Texas

Offshore Technology Conference Showcases the Energy Evolution

Each year, the world's energy professionals meet at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas, to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters.

OTC gives guests the access to leading-edge technical information, the industry’s largest equipment exhibition, and valuable new professional contacts from around the world. Its large international participation provides excellent opportunities for global sharing of technology, expertise, products, and best practices. OTC brings together industry leaders, investors, buyers, and entrepreneurs will meet to develop business partnerships and learn about the latest advances in the offshore sector. 

CCIFG Member, TechnipFMC hosted the Deputy Minister of Energy and his OTC 2022 delegation at their facility in Texas, USA. The Minister toured the premises and had engagements with the management of TechnipFM, one of the world's leading technology providers to the traditional and new energies industry. 


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