Join the CCIFG Football team for the Inter European Nations Football Championship

CCIFG is inviting members to join our 7-player team, and let's win the trophy !!!

The European Business Organisation is organizing the 1st Inter-European Nations Football Championship which will take place on Saturday, 11 May 2019 at Lizzy Sports Complex at 10am.

The Championship is between opposing members of European Chambers of Commerce and European Embassies in collaboration with the European Union in Ghana.

Do you want to play in the Championship?

 CCIFG is inviting members to join our 7-player team, and let's win the trophy !!!

The event will be followed by a European lunch, where each country is welcome to prepare food and drinks to be sold at affordable prices.

Participating countries are Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain The Netherlands and The United Kingdom.

Are you interested in joining the CCIFG team ? Send an email to

If you will like to set-up a booth to sell food and drinks, kindly send an email to anita(@)



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