TRAINING [Root Cause Failure Analysis]
The Capital Group Limited in collaboration with Data-Trak Systems of Canada - noted for equipment maintenance and operational reliability-, is pleased to invite you to participate in its 5-day corporate training dubbed; "Root Cause Failure Analysis" scheduled for 23rd to 27th October, 2023.
The Capital Group Limited is a Management Consultancy Firm that has, for the past twenty-five years, been providing specialized services in Human Resource, Training, Outsourcing, Recruitment, People and Project Management, Corporate Restructuring and Change Management, Debt Management, Facility Management and Financial Advisory Services.
Attached to this is a comprehensive training proposal for your review. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information → Melvin-0552533115/ 0209141788
TRAINING [Root Cause Failure Analysis]
Event ended.