The Innovation Fair of the francophone world...
The 19th Sommet de la Francophonie will be held in France, in Villers-Cotterêts, on October 4th and 5th, 2024. On this occasion, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, through the Secrétariat Général de la Francophonie, has initiated FrancoTech: an event aimed at promoting innovative solutions from the Francophone community and fostering business meetings among economic operators. The Secrétariat Général du Sommet de la Francophonie has entrusted Business France with its organization, in partnership with the Alliance des Patronats Francophones.
The Francophone network is a concrete source of inspiration that deserves to be highlighted. In a context of profound economic, demographic, digital, and societal transformations, the General Secretariat of La Francophonie, Business France, and the Alliance des Patronats Francophones have committed themselves to energizing commercial exchanges and economic flows among Francophone actors worldwide. Their mission focuses on showcasing and sharing innovative offerings, services, products, and modern entrepreneurial successes within the Francophone community.
FrancoTech 2024
Registration closed.